Monday, October 27, 2008

Reflection 10/26

I thought the topic of the atricles, violence, and how we can prevent it in the school was a good topic. I think that there is a lot that we can do to prevent violence, but I think the problem with some of the articles that we read, is that they give and unrealistic view of what we can do, rather than a few really helpful points that we as individual teachers can do. I believe that, no we should not just expel students when they have done something bad, but that we should support them in getting into programs that will help them, even if it is an after school or saturday program. I believe that we can't wait for everything to change, or for the school to get funding to do anything in the classroom. We have to do what we can in our own classroom, becasue if everyone waits for everyone else to change, then nothing will get done.

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