Wednesday, September 16, 2009


In the book I really liked the interest and profile survey's. I would get one of them to them before the school year started, the interest survey. I think this could help me get to know my students a little better and then after a week in school I would give them the profile survey. I think that if I compared them, and after watching them for a while I could get a lot better idea of things that I could do in different lessons that would really reach out to them. I think that with younger grades that the questions that are kind of generic like, what are some ways of learning that work for you?, are a little to general and would not get very good answers, but Im not sure how I would change them, maybe make them a little more specific to times that they remembered learning something. but what a good idea to get in the students head to find out from them what they are really like, and what they think would work to help them.
there are a few of these inventories that hold potential both in my st classroom and my future classroom. I really like the attitudes and interests one, I feel like it is really down to the kids level where they will think that they are really helping you, and they can really understand you, and give you the best idea of how they really do feel about reading and writing and why, much better than having them just tell you or write them down. I also think that the thinking about my reading is a much more easy way for kids to tell you about a book, so it is good for students who struggle with understanding, or telling about a book or story they just read, but I would make sure they had an opportunity to do a fun project along with it. I also liked the focus questions for Anecdotal notes on all the subjects as a guide before taking them, it really gives you a good idea for what to be watching for when you are observing different topics the children are doing, so that you can get an idea where each child is, and what you can do for them in that particular subject that would help them.
those were my favorite inventories and the ones that I felt could really help me teach differentiation

1 comment:

Teacherheart said...

Excellent comments that appear to thoroughly discuss the material. I WOULD like to know what you think about the writing sample, and its possibilities for determining all kind of needs of your students. 4 points